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this will be ORF

ORF Design Sprint



A new online ORF-
Correspondent video format for

5 Day Design Sprint

A diverse team of ORF-correspondents, video production experts and content specialists created a new online video format for In order to achieve this goal, the team used the "Design Sprint" method. This innovation approach places users at the center of the content creation process, resulting in an outcome that is highly tailored to the specific target group while also being accepted by stakeholders and decision makers, who were partly involved in the process.


The Design Sprint method enabled the team to generate initial ideas and develop a user-tested prototype within a remarkably short time period of only five days.

Services we provided:

  • Design Sprint method

  • User Interviews and User Tests

  • Ideation, Prototyping

  • Workshop moderation

  • Stakeholder and Decision maker presentation and guidance

6 User Interviews
Day 1
> 240 Ideas
Day 2
9 content-formats
Day 3
2 video prototypes and 5 thumbnails
Day 4

6 User Tests

Day 5

User Interviews

6 users from a specific target group were interviewed about their needs, problems, challenges and interests when consuming online media content. It helps the Design Sprint participants to feel and think more in the perspective of the users.

Day 1

Lorem ipsum...

Lorem ipsum...

Design Sprint participants
Design Sprint participants

Ideation Day

The team comes together in the morning, reminding themselves of the pains, gains and needs of their target group. An ideation session takes place in order to gather first ideas of possible content formats.

Day 2

Lorem ipsum...

Lorem ipsum...

Design Sprint participants
Design Sprint participants

Choosing the right idea

On day 3, the Design Sprint team is up for a challenge. Out of more than 240 ideas, they need to decide on which ideas they want to work on further. This is done by voting, considering the users' perspective. Out of the chosen ideas, first drafts of content-formats are sketched in small teams.

Day 3

Often 4 out of 5 users struggled with the same task...

... found the same things annoying or expected something else.

Design Sprint participants
Design Sprint participants


On day 4, the team produces first prototypes of the chosen ideas. The aim is to create a first version, which means that the focus is not to produce a final high-quality video or thumb nail in the short amount of time.  This is important, as the idea is to test the prototypes at an early stage with users to gain feedback on whether or not it is well received by the target group, before too much time is spent on a high-quality production.

Day 4

״viable's professional UX analysis gave us a new look at our app and discovered a lot of potential for optimization. It has shown very well how we can improve our app״

Florian Tukker
Product Lead App



25 correspondents work for the ORF in 16 different countries. Their goal is to bring worldwide events and news closer to ORF customers.

ORF news


In 5 days, a diverse team of 9 ORF employees generated more than 240 ideas. Out of the best ideas, 9 content-formats were drafted, and 5 thumb nails and 2 video-prototypes were produced.


These have been user-tested to gain feedback and evaluate if the ORF customers would like the newly created online format, or if changes have to be made in the creation of the final product.

Have a project in mind?

You’re just one email away from creating a partnership you won’t regret. Send us a few lines and let us know what you’re up to.

The Challenge

The media market is highly saturated, people tend to be overwhelmed by the amount of media content they can consume every day.

The main challenge was to create an online format which is well received by users/ORF viewers and reaches the right target group whilst also fulfilling the ORF quality criteria.


The unique asset of ORF is that correspondents are located worldwide and are therefore able to bring insights, content, events, news and more from the specific country or region directly to the ORF customers. The main goal was therefore to create an online format that builds on the USP of the correspondents and is well received by ORF audience and users.

User Tests

In order to gather fast user feedback, 6 user test are conducted on the last day of the sprint. The users see the prototypes next to other (already existing) media content. The goal is to see if the prototypes would be chosen/clicked and why, or why not. The feedback helps to develop the prototypes further, before more time, money and resources are put into finalizing them. It is a fast method to understand if you are on the right way in product development.

Day 5
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